Sept. Community Coffee Photo
We had a big group at the September Community Coffee at Fiero Caffé, with a great
range of topics discussed. Beside Measure T and historic resources, we talked about
the City’s fee schedule; taking care of our trees while you remodel; SMPD’s program
(need to get the notlink for this) to engrave catalytic converters to reduce the likelihood
of theft; improving our residential/commercial ratio; improving cross-agency
communications; speeding near Borel and near Concar; regulating electric bikes; the
lack of bathrooms in neighborhood parks; and opportunities to educate our youth on
Artificial Intelligence and get more women in the field. Thanks to everyone who came,
and I hope you return!
I’m going to try to do these coffees the 4th Sunday of every month, 11am-1pm, to make it
easier on everyone.
My next Community Coffee is Sunday, October 27, 11am-1pm, at 3 Bees Coffee, 224
E. 3rd Avenue. 3 Bees was voted San Mateo’s Best Coffee Shop as part of this year’s
San Mateo Area Chamber of Commerce “Best Of” Awards. Please join us!