Alameda/Parrott Intersection Update
At a recent community meeting, Public Works engineers shared the history of the
Alameda/Parrott intersection project and the City's near and mid-term plan to improve
safety, traffic flow and aesthetics. Data gathered before and after installation of the
current white delineators demonstrated a clear increase in public confidence in using
the crosswalks due to decreased perceived danger to pedestrians.
The near-term plan includes striping improvements to existing lane delineation that also
will enable buses and large vehicles to turn more easily on to and off of Parrott
Drive. The existing white delineator posts will be replaced with a combination of
rubberized traffic-rated curbs & fewer white delineator posts. The blocked off areas will
be highlighted, and the second southbound through lane on Alameda will be reinstalled.
Mid-term plans call for evaluating whether it is feasible and desirable to install wooden
planter boxes along the intersection to beautify it. The planter boxes and planting
material, if installed, would be the same as the planter boxes at either end of the B
Street Pedestrian Mall.
You can view the recording of the Zoom meeting at:
El Camino Real Repairs
There will be upcoming overnight lane closures for pavement repairs along State Route
82 (El Camino Real) at various locations from Hillsdale Blvd to Second Avenue. The
repairs will occur September 23 thru early November, from 8:00 PM – 7:00 AM. Expect
lane closure and construction noise. For 24/7 traffic updates, please visit